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點擊次數:333 發表時間:2023-4-18


中國石化新聞網訊 據管道&天然氣雜志網4月12日報道,馬來西亞國家石油公司(馬國油Petroliam Nasional Berhad)一名高管周三表示,該公司計劃到2024年第一季度重啟一處天然氣管道。

馬來西亞國家石油公司液化天然氣營銷和交易副總裁Shamsairi Ibrahim稱,“我們的計劃是到2024年第一季度完成工作”。該設施的重啟需要得到當地政府的批準。






馬來西亞國家石油公司與東京燃氣公司(Tokyo gas)和大阪燃氣公司(Osaka gas)等日本天然氣分銷商簽訂了長期供應合同,其中一些合同將在今明兩年到期。












郝芬 譯自 管道&天然氣雜志網


Malaysia's Petronas to Restart Gas Pipeline Operations by Q1 2024

Malaysia's national oil company Petroliam Nasional Berhad aims to restart a gas pipeline currently under force majeure by the first quarter of 2024, a senior company executive said on Wednesday.

"Our plan is to complete the work by Q1 2024," said Shamsairi Ibrahim, vice president of LNG marketing and trading at the company, known as Petronas. The facility's restart is subject to approval from local authorities, he said.

In October, Petronas declared a force majeure on gas supply to Malaysia LNG Dua due to a pipeline leak caused by soil movement at its Sabah-Sarawak Gas Pipeline.

The company aims to complete an investigation into the gas supply disruption by mid-2023.

The disruption had fueled fears of a supply shortage to customers, including Japanese utilities, but Petronas has said it would continue efforts to provide alternative supplies.

Target Market

In an interview with Reuters, Shamsairi also reiterated Petronas' wish to extend its long-term contracts with its Japanese customers, adding that discussions are ongoing.

Petronas has long-term supply contracts with Japanese gas distributors such as Tokyo Gas and Osaka Gas, some of which are due to expire this year and next.

Japan, Malaysia's top client, imported 12 million tonnes of LNG in 2022, up 19% from 2021, according to Japan's trade data.

"Not only (supplies from) Bintulu, but it is our aspiration to get a bit more (supplies) from Canada to Japan," he said, referring to the LNG Canada project in Kitimat, British Columbia, in which Petronas has a 25% equity stake.

The first phase of the project, set to be Canada's first LNG export terminal, is expected to begin shipments around 2025.

On its project in Argentina with state firm YPF, LNG supplies from there could go to markets like Europe and Asia if the project is realized, added Shamsairi.

The companies expect to make a final decision next year on whether to invest in the first phase of the $60 billion project.

"Europe is one of the markets we cannot ignore. Other than that, we potentially can bring it back to Asia Pacific," he said. "ASEAN also will be good, if it is economical to do that."

LNG Outlook

Shamsairi expects Asian spot LNG prices to remain at current levels or trend lower towards the third quarter, excluding the risk of an unusually warm summer, as major buyers Japan reduced consumption after prices spiked to record levels last year.

"If we have a mild summer, then there could be pressure on the LNG market," said Shamsairi.

"But nevertheless, (there will still be) the practice of Europe continuing to consume LNG due to its cessation away from the largger producer's gas... Demand loss due to high prices will come back. This will be the balancing factor on price levels in the market."

Global gas prices surged last year after the largger producer cut supplies to Europe, forcing the bloc to import record amounts of LNG.

Asian LNG prices, however, have since fallen over 55% so far this year, easing to $12.50 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) last week on muted demand and high inventories.

(責任編輯:黃振 審核:蔣文娟 )