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道達爾能源CEO表示 歐洲的天然氣危機仍未結束

點擊次數:363 發表時間:2023-4-18


中國石化新聞網訊 據彭博新聞社2023年4月13日巴黎報道,法國能源巨頭道達爾能源公司首席執行官潘彥磊說,在過去幾年里導致歐洲天然氣價格飆升的天然氣危機并沒有完全結束,因為該地區仍然面臨供應有限和全球其他地區對供暖和發電燃料日益激烈的競爭。

他是在出席在紐約舉行的哥倫比亞全球能源峰會(Columbia Global Energy Summit)期間接受媒體記者采訪時發表上述講話的。他表示:“認為歐洲已經解決了天然氣危機問題的想法是錯誤的。我們仍然有供應缺口?!?



李峻 編譯自 彭博新聞社


Europe’s gas crisis is still not over, TotalEnergies CEO says

Paris: The crisis that sent natural gas prices skyrocketing in Europe over the past couple of years isn’t fully over as the region is still faced with constrained supplies and rising competition overseas for the heating and power-generation fuel, according to the boss of TotalEnergies.

“The idea that Europe has solved the issue is wrong,” CEO Patrick Pouyanne said in an interview at the Columbia Global Energy Summit in New York that was broadcast online. “We have a gap of supply.”

Prices for liquefied natural gas cargoes, which have plunged from 2022’s highs, may rise again through year-end as Europe needs to replenish its inventories before winter at a time when Chinese energy demand is rebounding. Meanwhile, supplies of the super-chilled fuel won’t significantly increase at least until 2026 after years of underinvestment in import and export infrastructure, he added.

“The only way for Europe to get the LNG is to pay more. It’s just the reality of supply and demand,” Pouyanne said.

(責任編輯:黃振 審核:蔣文娟 )