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點擊次數:452 發表時間:2023-6-2


中國石化新聞網訊 據油價網5月29日消息稱,巴西國家石油公司(巴國油)推出了一項新的天然氣商業投資組合,此舉將使該公司擴大并多樣化設定最后期限、基準和交付地點,以提高競爭力。除布倫特原油價格外,巴西國家石油公司還將恢復使用亨利樞紐基準天然氣價格,同時為經銷商提供更多合同截止日期和交付地點的選擇。





曹海斌 摘譯自 油價網


Petrobras Launches New Commercial Portfolio For Natural Gas

Brazilian national oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA (NYSE:PBR) has launched a new commercial portfolio for natural gas in a move that will see the company expand and diversify deadlines, benchmarks and places of delivery in a bid to become more competitive. Petrobras will also resume using Henry Hub benchmark prices for gas in addition to Brent oil prices, while offering distributors more options for contract deadlines and delivery locations.

Using the new portfolio, Petrobras, which currently has contracts with more than 14 suppliers, will become more competitive in the public calls being made by the state distributors and in the commercialization via the Free Market.

Earlier, Petrobras reported that its Q1 2023 revenue and profits decreased which it attributed to lower commodity prices. Q1 net income fell to 38.16B reais (~$7.7B) from 44.6B reais in the prior-year period, but well above the 31.96B reais analyst consensus estimate. Q1 adjusted EBITDA fell to 72.5B reais from 77.7B reais a year ago but also topped the consensus estimate of 67.36B reais. Meanwhile, revenues fell 1.8% Y/Y to 139.07B.

Thankfully, PBR continues paying out hefty dividends to shareholders, with payouts for the quarter clocking in at 24.7B reais ($4.94B).

Last year, the oil and gas supermajor announced that it will increase 2023-2027 investments by about 15% to $78 billion over the company’s 2022-2026 projected spending. Of the $78 billion planned for capex, 83% or $64 billion is earmarked for E&P activities while 67% of the E&P capex budget will go to pre-salt activities. The company also plans to boost spending to reduce carbon emissions to ~6% of the total compared with 4% in the previous plan, and will see its decarbonization fund more than double the current $248M.

(責任編輯:黃振 審核:蔣文娟 )