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點擊次數:402 發表時間:2023-3-21


中國石化新聞網訊 據鉆機地帶3月15日消息稱,Equinor本周宣布,該公司再次在北海Troll油田附近發現石油和天然氣,并補充說,這是該公司自2019年以來在該地區的第八次發現。

Equinor在其網站上發布的一份聲明中透露,預計產量在2400萬至8400萬桶油當量之間,石油略多于天然氣。Equinor指出,這一被稱為海森堡的發現在商業上很有趣,“部分原因是它可以利用與Troll B平臺相連的現有基礎設施”。



Equinor西部勘探和生產高級副總裁Geir S?rtveit在評論這一發現時說:“我們的Troll勘探項目一直在取得成功?!?



曹海斌 摘譯自 鉆機地帶


Equinor Strikes Oil, Gas Near Troll Field

Equinor has again struck oil and gas near the Troll field in the North Sea, the company announced this week, adding that this is its eighth discovery in the area since 2019.

The volumes are estimated at between 24 and 84 million barrels of oil equivalent, with slightly more oil than gas, Equinor revealed in a statement posted on its website. Equinor noted that the discovery, which it operates and which has been dubbed Heisenberg, is considered commercially interesting, “partly because it can utilize existing infrastructure connected to the Troll B platform”.

“However, an appraisal well is needed to get a more precise estimate of the size before it can be concluded whether the volumes can be recovered,” Equinor said in a company statement.

“The parties are considering drilling the appraisal well in 2024,” the company added.

Commenting on the find, Geir S?rtveit, Equinor’s senior vice president for exploration and production west, said, “our Troll exploration play keeps delivering”.

“With discoveries in eight out of nine exploration wells, we are approaching a success rate of 90 percent. We plan to further explore the area, while looking at possible development solutions for the discoveries that have been made,” he added.

“We have a good infrastructure in the area and can quickly bring competitive barrels from here to the market at low cost and with low CO2 emissions,” he continued.

(責任編輯:黃振 審核:蔣文娟 )